Wednesday, June 29, 2011

2 Down, 6 to Go!

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 2011 11:34 AM, EDT
2 Down, 6 To Go!
I planned my college schedule around Days of Our Lives in Tuscaloosa, only to find out that it started half an hour later than it did in Montgomery. That was a HUGE disappointment in my land of new found freedom and independence. That was probably the only Semester I attended class in Tuscaloosa. I was taking English Literature, French, an Art class, and Calculus. I wanted to take English because I almost failed English in high school. If it wasn't for the Canterbury Tales, I probably wouldn't have made it through. Mrs. Sells was a tough cookie, and no one was coasting through that class...little did she know that English was my very own albatross, and that I would rather be in Theater class...studying to be on Days of Our Lives (which I later auditioned for). But Mrs. Sells had a larger impact on me than I was willing to admit. I signed up to take English Lit at Alabama because I had to. It was a prerequisite for any major, and I wanted to get the misery over with. As it turned out, I was the most complimented student in my class, and it was there that I realized that I was "there." I was a semester late, but I was "there." I wrote Mrs. Sells a Thank You note for pushing me, and I will never forget how much she taught me about symbolism, analogies, and metaphorical references. 

I'm sitting in Infusion Room 18, pumped full of steroids and nausea meds (and eating a handful of Gummy Bears!). It seems like just when I started feeling "normal" again after Round 1, it was time to start Round 2. I am grateful for the 3 "normal" days that I had. I was VERY PRODUCTIVE at work, and had a great few days with Nathan and the boys. Round 2 Chemo is ready to go, and I will be saying by the end of the day, "2 down, 6 to go!" Not so much looking forward to Sunday/Monday, but at least Monday is a holiday! Chemo won't be messing with my paycheck next week, so I guess that's one less thing to write about in my 2nd letter to Chemo.  

Mama and I are looking forward to a little R&R today, and of course, catching up on a little Days! You know, you only have to watch it every so often to get caught up! I mean, the Phoenix is still duplicating personalities, and the Bo-Hope-Carly love triangle has just resolved itself...again. Some things never change!...and you have to LOVE that about a good soap opera - even one that buries people alive, brings people back from the dead (over and over), and possess people! See? It really could be worse!


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