Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pass and Danket

WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 2011 11:02 AM, EDT
Pass and Danket
Logan was 5 months old when I discovered that all pacifiers in the house had been in the dishwasher for over 24 hours. I hadn't realized that he had gone without a "pass" for that long. And from that day forward, he went without the pass.

I bragged for 2 years about how Lo stopped using the pass on his own at 5 months old. It took me 2 years to realize that I needed to stop bragging about the fact that my 2 year old stopped the pass at 5 months and began substituting a baby afghan shortly thereafter.  He walks (yes, as in he still does it) around with "Danket" hanging out of his mouth, dragging it on the floor like Linus. There are 3 Dankets. We wash them daily...because we have to. It's a nasty habit that is going to have to stop eventually, but trying to take away a 2 and a half year old's security blanket is difficult enough...try doing it when he gets a new baby brother or his mother is suddenly bald!

I decided that I would try to reason with Logan on the potential loss of know, feel him out a little. This is how the conversation went:

Me: Lo, do you know that there are children in the whole wide world who don't have Dankets? Isn't that sad? 
Lo (blanket in mouth, sucking...yes, sucking.) nods yes.
Me: Do you know that there are danket fairies who take dankets to kids who don't have any?
Lo, eyes getting bigger, nods yes.
Me: One day the danket fairies are going to come and takeyour dankets to little boys who don't have dankets.
Lo (removes Danket from mouth, looks me square in the face, and in sing-song says): Not today! (Danket back in mouth briefly, and then out again). And not tomorrow!

When I was in Houston, Mama found this great cook book titled "The Cancer Fighting Kitchen." The premise of the book is to provide recipes to help you deal with the symptoms of treatment...all of which I've discussed in previous posts. The book is also a lifestyle change - a lower carb, lower fat, lower fun diet that is supposed to decrease my chances of recurrence by two thirds! And that, my friends, is worth the lifestyle change! God forbid I have breast cancer again later in life, but if I do, I want to be able to say, "You know what? I did everything I was supposed to do to ensure that this didn't happen again, so I guess this was just meant to be." I don't want to have to think of what I shoulda, coulda, woulda done to prevent it. Someone asked me the other day when I was planning to start this new lifestyle answer?Not today!

While I was typing this, I finished my 4th chemo session! 50% done with chemo altogether and 100% done with the first set of chemo drugs. The second set starts in 2 weeks, and is supposed to be much easier on me! Thank you all for your continued support and prayers!


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