Old Faithful Addendum
When I look back on my blog from Tuesday, I can't even begin to say that I have done it justice. In the last 3 hours, I have reclaimed more memories from the Big Horn Country Field Trip than I ever thought possible. So forgive the addendum, but it is painstakingly necessary to record these events.
While Nannie was disappointed that we didn't show up in the airport in our Tatum's Taterbugs t-shirts, she was even more disappointed that we (all five of us) refused to wear them throughout the trip. Grandaddy called us Taterbugs (still does), and when they found out that we had been referring to "field trips" all of these years, they thought it would be fun for us to have the souvenir. We each had two t-shirts, and the idea was that we would wear and wash, wear and wash, alternating days. Seriously, the plan was to wear them every day. No way was that going to happen, and I selfishly led that little anarchy battle. We did, however, compromise and agree to wear the shirts one day. We had talked Nannie into taking us white water rafting down the Shoshone River. It was kind of a joke at first, but when she agreed, we were all on board. We each showed up, gleaming in our Taterbugs t-shirts, ready to have them promptly covered up by a bright orange life preserver. That was strategy - please Nannie by wearing the t-shirts, but all along knowing that we wouldn't have to endure the embarrassment of wearing the same t-shirt. What brats!
Only the tables were turned. To our surprise (lesson learned), two smoking hot tour guides came up to us to ready us for the rafting excursion. I couldn't get that life vest on fast enough. And then he said it, "Where are you guys from?" I've never been so embarrassed to say, "Alabama." To which he quipped, "What are y'all some church group?" And he chuckled. That might have been my first anxiety attack.
Nannie was a pro on the raft. We were all soaked, and it was the most fun I had ever had with my Nannie up until that point. We have a great picture of the end of the tour going over rapids. Nannie later admitted that she was terrified, but that she did it for us. That's what grandmothers do.
And as much as I hated that t-shirt as an eleventh grader, I still wear that t-shirt to sleep now. It is my favorite shirt, and every time I pull it from my closet, I smile. It is more than a t-shirt, it is a memory. A memory of a time in which I didn't appreciate what I had, but the moment I learned to.
While living in Wisconsin, Nannie and my aunt Paige were planning a trip to Chicago. Nannie was a big fan of Swarovski crystals, and she was a member of a club. She could go and get a signed piece. I wanted to show her a great time, so I met them in Chicago and we had creme brulee at Bistro 110. We went to the crystal signing, and Nannie got all of her gifts...It was just fun to spend some time with her as an adult who appreciated her. And it was on that trip that I saw my Nannie purchase a pair of Ferragamo shoes for the first time - a love we would have in common for many years. Years later, she gave me a pair of Ferragamo boots that she had worn maybe twice. I was happy to give them a new home.
I am so very fortunate to have had 3 grandparents into my 30s. I can honestly say that my grandparents know me as an adult, which is rare and beautiful. I love that I talked to her Tuesday for an hour, and that she told me about how she met my grandfather and that she was soon to celebrate her 59th wedding anniversary.
My Nannie passed away today. She is loved by many, and will be missed by more. It came as a big shock to us, and the timing on my blog Tuesday was quite coincidental. I love that Jayme shared it with her yesterday, and that it made her laugh. Peace be with you, Nannie. I will see you again someday, and I will live life to the fullest as you did. You were one hip Nannie, and I love you. Thank you for sharing so much of you with all of us.
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