Wednesday, June 1, 2011

English Peas and Bubble Gum

TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2011 9:06 PM, EDT
English Peas and Bubble Gum
What an amazing circle of love and support we have!! Between the Guestbook here and emails, we have been inundated with prayer and support. Thank you all so much for your love and prayers as we go down this road...we truly feel lifted!
Please continue to visit the site, as this is where we will pour our proverbial hearts love and laughter.
Love to all!
Bean, Nate and the boys

Someone has asked me to describe what the infamous lump felt like, so I'd like to take the time to share what I have is so cliche'.

At first, the lump felt like an English Pea...a frozen one, hard and round. It didn't move when I tried to move it around. Later, it felt more like a lymph node, like what you might feel in your neck when you have a cold...but it didn't move like a lymph node, and it felt like it was wasn't close to the surface like a neck node. Now it feels like a wad of gum...not so much Bubbalicious...more like an old piece of Juicy Fruit. And it feels like it likes its home. Little does it know that it's about to be evicted.
The Sheriff is coming to town little Juicy Fruit tumor, and it doesn't take no for an answer. Now don't get all evicted Reno-tenant on me and pour cement down the toilets. It's not my fault you don't belong here...but you have worn out your welcome. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here...So get the heck out...and take your little friends with you. We'd like to clean up the neighborhood, and I don't need any rif-raf around to scare the new girls next door!
What?! You didn't think this post was going to be all serious, did you?!

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